Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Some Very Special Birthdays!

Today is a VERY special day for many reasons.  Today we celebrate the birthdays of several people that we love dearly:  Michael, Miss Jill and Baby Lyla.  What a special day! 

Miss Jill is Lucy's OT at Jim Thorpe Rehab.  She is in charge of Lucy's Occupational Therapy, just as she was with Ellie Kate (she is going to hide in embarrassment about me posting this, by the way, because she's just that humble - don't worry, I know she won't be mad).   Miss Jill is very special to us.  We've seen her pretty much every week for the last seven yearsSeven years is a long time, ya'll!  And of course there's the part where she has loved, taught and cared for our two special girls.  What a treasure.  Happy Birthday, Miss Jill!!  We love you so dearly. 

Another special birthday being celebrated today is the FIRST birthday of Miss Lyla Grace.  Lyla is the daughter of Lexi Ryann Hall, which means she is the granddaughter of OUR Mindy (yes, she is a young grandmother!)!  Obviously, Lyla would be special to us just because she's in Mindy's family.  But, she's come to mean so much more than that - she's become part of our healing story

You see, Lyla was born on Michael's birthday.  She was born less than a month from the exact day that Ellie went to be with Jesus.  And through the Lord's kindness, we were there for Lyla's birth, just as Mindy was there with us for Ellie Kate's death. 

Through the Lord's sweet direction, I was able to be in the delivery room with Lexi as she delivered baby Lyla.  I was even able to help Lexi as she had that sweet baby girl (and I loved it!)!  In less than a month, Mindy and I watched a daughter die and we watched a daughter give birth to a grandbaby.  How amazing is that??!!! 

There has been healing for all of our hearts in the life of Lyla, but Mindy and I both have had healing in the birth of Lyla.  We've shared intimate times, and God and His sovereignty have allowed us to witness both LIFE and DEATH within less than a month.  Think about that, ya'll.  Surely the Lord has done great things! Precious, intimate, life-changing things come in witnessing both of these incredible events, and I am so grateful

And last, but certainly not least, today is my Dear Husband's birthday!!  This man - the Father of my children, the Leader of our home, the Love of my life . . . I celebrate him today especially.  There is no other person I would rather go through this crazy journey with than Michael Wayne McLaughlin.  He makes me laugh when I don't want to (and also when I do).  His hugs envelope me and make me feel safe and protected.  His shoulders carry the burdens of a thousand men, as well as one wife.  He was born to be my husband, to be our children's Daddy.  He was born for VERY great things, and the best of those are yet to come!  How grateful I am to be matched with this man, our genetic mutations and all!  I wouldn't trade it for the world.

 It is an honor and a joy to be your wife, Michael!  I am so proud of you and I pray the Lord Jesus blesses you richly and in tangible ways this very year.  I pray that your heart is pulled towards His, and that our hearts will be knitted together even more.  I pray that this year will bring desires for intimacy with Jesus, a passion for His Word and even more opportunities for us to grow together.  Happy Birthday, My Love. 

It's hard to imagine that all three of these very important people share the same birthday.  What are the chances?!  Thank you, Father for these special people.  Thank you for bringing them into my life and keeping them there for such a time as this.  Bless them today and bless them this year.  Grow them in a deeper knowledge of you, and may they feel your love, your arms, your peace today especially.


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