Monday, January 20, 2014

Our Friend Makenna

First of all, thank you all so very much for your prayers for us last week.  It's been an emotional time with Ellie's sweet wheelchair, and I've been a mess over it.  We've also been dealing with some sickness, although thankfully we've avoided the hospital! 

In one of my previous posts, I asked for prayer for our friend, Makenna Johnson.  Makenna and her family are very near and dear to our hearts.  She is a very special little girl who likes to "hop" just like Ellie Kate. 

Makenna has had a very hard time lately, and she had a terrible incident where she stopped breathing.  They were working on this little girl for over FIVE hours.  She was too medically fragile to transfer them to their regular hospital, so she's stayed at Children's Hospital in Dallas. 

When I posted, Makenna was on the oscillator (a high-powered ventilator) and was in a medically-induced coma.  Her family had one doctor even tell them that Makenna was probably brain-dead.  But, Makenna has overcome the odds.  Last week she went from being on the oscillator to a regular vent!  Then she woke from her coma and moved!  And now - now, Miss Makenna is in a regular room and out of the PICU!  Miracle after miracle. 

God's hand is mighty and he has moved on behalf of this little girl.  It is evident that he is not ready to call Makenna home.  But, her family still needs your prayers.  Makenna isn't quite herself after her incident and is having a hard time holding her little head up and doing her normal "Makenna" things. 

Here's how you can pray:

1.  Pray for continued healing in Makenna's brain and body
2.  Pray for her abilities to be restored
3.  Pray for her family as they still struggle with being apart and in the hospital
4.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors and medical team

Thank you so very much for praying for this precious family whom we love.  Friends, you are so faithful and I am incredibly grateful for each of you! 


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