Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Broken Computer and Broken Blood Pressure

My computer gave up the ghost!  It is dead; ka-put.  It was bound to happen since I'm on it so often, and because of it's age, and because of the fact that I have two little monkeys/boys who like to "learn" and play games on my laptop.  Sigh.  Not sure what will become of it, but I do know that I can't blog from my phone (well, I technically could, but trust me, it wouldn't be pretty).  Thankfully I am able to use my Daddy's computer to update the blog today.  It's one of the MANY blessings of living so close to my parents! 

On to Updates . . .

My blood pressure has me all out of whack, folks.  I'm now on two BP meds, but they are really taking their toll on me.  I find myself slurring words and becoming disoriented because of low pulse-rate.  I'm tiring very easily and I'm forgetting things, such as Lucy's important GI appointment yesterday.  UGH!  It is NOT fun to be out-of-it!  Seriously, ya'll.  My doctor is working on my meds and re-checking my blood work to see if we can get things straight.  I'd love your prayers for clarity and that things would even out. 

Lucy is having cluster seizures at night and in the mornings.  We hoped that these pesky things would stop once we upped an additional seizure med, but that hasn't been the case so far.  We know she has a seizure disorder and that she will seize; the tricky part is knowing how much seizing is too much and when we need to step in an intervene with rescue meds.  She's still so small, and I hate having to use the strong anti-seizure meds that we had to use with Ellie the last few years of her life.  It's a bit scary too, because Ellie's seizures seemed to be under control when she was this age, so it worries me to know that the seizure clusters can cause permanent damage in Lucy.  She's come so far and I don't want to see her have to continually take steps back. 

A FUN thing happened with Lucy this week - she found herself in the mirror!!  This is HUGE, Friends!!  Ellie Kate was never able to really see anything in the mirror and would never look directly at it (rarely looking at people and objects directly).  We've noticed that Lucy's eyesight seems to be better than EK's was, but seeing her look in the mirror this week and smile consistently has meant the world to me!!  It has brought us SO MUCH JOY, I cannot even tell you!  Lucy sees that cherub little girl in the mirror, and she likes her:)!  So, so precious and such a true gift. 

Henry is doing much better with his asthma - thank you for all of the prayers!  Conner is still going strong, happy boy that he is.  The boys are just so precious to my heart and lift my spirits more than I could have ever thought possible. 

In closing, I want to go ahead and ask you to forgive me for anything I may have forgotten about or may forget in the future due to my current state of mind.  I know I've already dropped the ball on a few important things, and I'm thankful that my family and friends have been so gracious and supportive.  Silly blood pressure.  Now, on to try to go fix that computer of mine!! 


  1. When did you purchase your laptop? You mentioned how old it is, so if you've been using it for a long time, the problem must've been with the hardware. You know, parts of your laptop need to be upgraded from time to time. That allows you to aim for a better performance.

    Cordia Remsen @ RB’s Computer Service

  2. I wish your computer has already been fixed by now. Just like what Cordia said, there must have been something wrong with the hardware. It won’t be a good idea if you’re a regular blogger because your computer's slow performance can be frustrating. That can be a big hassle if you always have to update your blog.

    Kurt Cantin


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