Friday, January 6, 2006

What we know....

We'll try to have some pictures to post. So much about Ellie has changed in the last few days that we need to get some pictures to tell the story.

She has been off of the vent for a few days and is showing no ill-signs from it. Also, the doctor will remove Ellie's main-line catheter (the IV that is connected to a major blood vessel close to her heart.) They feel that it has served its purpose and should be removed.

When we get some definitive answers to some of the tests, we'll forward them along.

What we know thus far: Her MRI was similar to the others performed in OKC... her levels are similar to the levels taken previously in OKC... She is making more and more normal-baby movements.

The road to recovery is slow but she is gaining momentum... inch by inch.

- Michael Freakin McLaughlin (MFM)

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