Saturday, February 14, 2015

Oh, What A Ride!

We've often compared the life of a special-needs parent to that of an intense roller-coaster.  Maybe that's just true for everyone.  But I have to say, those special-needs parents and those dealing with serious illness in their families, have a lot more of those violent turns and drops than most.  

Yesterday was one of those days where I literally felt like I was jolted back and forth and spun around and upside-down.  We were in Edmond, Deer Creek, Bethany (twice), and Moore. I had two extremely important doctor appointments that had to be done yesterday a midst the chaos and unfortunately, they couldn't be postponed.  Lucy was very sick with her RSV but we had to take her with us to Henry's surgery.  We ended it late last night with a visit from one of our special home health nurses, who delivered some equipment for Lucy.  IT.WAS.WILD.

Thursday night was incredibly rough for Lucy.  Her 02 levels went down many times during the night because of her RSV.  We had been giving her breathing treatments, and the suction machine, along with all of the other tricks we have to help her, but her wheezing was getting worse.  Thankfully, the Lord had it so that our most detailed nurse was there overnight and she stayed by Lucy's side the entire time.

It was a tough situation.  If Lucy was in need of critical treatment, then we would have taken her to the hospital.  But, we HAD to help Henry and allow him to have his infected tooth removed in order to help his PANDAS.  So, while we waited for our oxygen and pulse-ox from home health, I was able to pick up oxygen from an amazing Hope Link mom who was eager to help in our time of need (I LOVE our Hope Link 'village').  We had everything that the hospital would have used to care for Lucy, so we loaded it all up and headed to the surgery center for Henry Mac.

Lucy was in the waiting room with Mike, on oxygen, suction machine being used, pulse-ox attached (we were quite the spectacle, ya'll).  I was back with Henry, who was on sensory overload.  PANDAS causes sensory issues, heightened senses, essentially.  Henry felt threatened and super vulnerable. He hates taking liquid meds because of how they "feel" to him, but bless his heart, he did try with the liquid versed (after LOTS of coercing and um, begging and bribing).  He screamed when it went into his mouth and up it came, all over the floor.  He told me it made his tongue feel like it was on fire.  I felt so horrible for him, and so did the sweet nurse.  She was so apologetic and empathetic; we couldn't have asked for a better person to help with Henry.

Since Henry couldn't take the versed, and since it set him off into some bad behavior, the anesthesiologist had to get creative.  He, along with a team of nurses, had to hold Henry down and give him a shot to calm him down.  It just had to be done to get him back to the operating room.  I had to remind myself that this was something that HAD to be done.  He had an infection that was making his brain misfire, and we had to take that infected tooth out.  Good thing too, because the doctor said that the tooth was infected all the way to the root, and that there was a huge pus-pocket in Henry's mouth, which I didn't see.  The doctor couldn't believe that the tooth hadn't caused Henry to excruciating pain and hadn't caused him to be sicker than he was.  Thank you, Lord for letting us get that tooth out!!

Once we got home and I was on my own, Lucy needed a breathing treatment and Henry started vomiting.  I was holding her down, desperately trying get the nebulizer near her mouth and Henry was wondering around the backyard in a drug-induced stooper.  Guys, really and truly, all I could do was laugh!  At least it was a beautiful day, right?!  The sun was shining.  We had made it through surgery and the tooth was out.  And we were home and had oxygen.  Conner was almost home from school.  Life is good.  LIFE. IS. GOOD.

It's a WILD ride!  You just gotta smile! 

Although there were some unexpected twists and turns with the doctor's office and nursing agency, and even though I had to be a momma-bear on behalf of Lu Lu Belle, and even though we had to stay up late when we hoped to go to bed super early because we were super tired . . .  God took care of us.  He had those roller coaster seat belts nice and tight, keeping us safe and sound.  And, when the day was done, Mike and I were happy.  Happy to be home and not in the hospital.  Happy to have the equipment that Lucy needed.  Happy that Henry's surgery was over and done.  Happy that we were together and that we survived.  

And you know what else made me super happy?  My Sweet Conner Mac, my eldest son, who gave a special valentine to a special girl for the first time yesterday at school.  And he "dressed up" and worked on his hair and excitedly gave that hand-picked gift (candy and a minecraft book, because 'that's what she likes, mom') to this cute little girl who now shares the affections of My Son.

Be still, My Heart!!

Sometimes we have to choose to be happy.  Sometimes we have to CHOOSE to enjoy the ride.  Sometimes we have choose to even STAY on that ride!  But sometimes, God gives us so much grace, that we feel happy in the craziest of circumstances, because we know that He is Sovereign and because He has it all planned out. Nothing can happen in my life, or in yours, that God doesn't allow. So we can trust him.  May the Father give you grace today, My Friend.  May you bubble over in happiness, even in the strangest of circumstances, so that He alone may be glorified.  

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