Thursday, October 8, 2015

Test Results

The lumbar puncture was done first thing this morning.  We headed over to the PICU and Lucy easily went off to sleep.  Mike and I sat in the waiting room for a few minutes.  Two families with children on ventilators, both with bad prognoses.  Lots of tears and questions.  Confusion in their faces and in their words.  One of the chaplains was there to help and comfort.  It broke our hearts, and as I left the room, I SO wanted to hug each person, just telling them that we've been there and that we are so sorry they are going through this.  But it wasn't my place and it wasn't the time.  I'm trusting God to minister to those hearts and for His presence to be thick around them.  I'm praying that they will come to know Jesus as Savior as they face these literal life and death days and hard decisions.  I cannot imagine trying to go through it without the security of knowing that I will be reunited with my Loved Ones in Heaven one day.  Situations like this put it all into perspective;  it can ALWAYS be worse and truly, life is a fleeting gift to cherish.

The LP went incredibly well and there were no complications whatsoever!  The best news is that the fluid was clear AND it showed NO SIGNS of meningitis!!  We all thought Lucy's body was showing us that it was not only fighting ecoli, but also meningitis, although we haven't made that public until now.  We've been treating Lucy as if she had it, just in case.  Knowing for sure if Lucy had it would determine many things, so today, we were all really shocked to find out that she does not have it and HAS NOT had it!  Praise the Lord!

Lucy rested so well this afternoon, and we so appreciate your specific prayers for that.  The medications used to put her under for the LP helped her rest, and she desperately needed it.  Everyone has been quiet today, knowing that Lucy's been overstimulated.  Our nurse has done a great job in keeping things peaceful and quiet and only having necessary folks enter.  I am so grateful.

This evening, Lucy's back to screaming and hurting, with those big crocodile tears.  We've given morphine and hopefully that will settle her brain and body down for at least a little while (even though it hasn't done much to help the last few days).  Would you pray for peace over Lucy?

There are still some big questions and the answers will determine how long the rest of our stay will be.   We need to find out what type of ecoli is growing inside of Lucy.  The main things is, we need to see where the infection is coming from.   What's the source?  Knowing that will help us put a plan a place.

We will start TPN tonight, which is nutrition that will be given through Lucy's port.  This will keep her body going and give it what it needs as she fights the infection.  TPN can be damaging to organs, so we hope that Lucy doesn't have to be on it for very long.  We are praying that SOON, her body will settle down enough for us to start her feeds back up again.  Would you join us in praying for that?  

I'm thankful for a restful day and thankful too for continued prayers and encouragement. I cannot tell you how much that spurs us on, Friends.  I specifically want to thank those precious people who have been doing our laundry and who have signed up to bring us meals!  And folks at Mike's work . . . oh my goodness, they have stocked us up too! We are just blown-away by your generosity.  It's been a long time since we've been in this type of tough position, but being here reminds us all how important the Body of Christ truly is.  Thank you for being His hands and feet!  


  1. praying for your family, the medical staff, and especially little lucy

  2. Praying for you and your family, the medical staff and for Precious Lucy Belle.

  3. Praying for sweet Lucy & your family! 💕

  4. So blessed by others surrounding you in love. Prayers of peace, comfort for lu lu belle and direction for her nurses and physicians. Prayers over your entire family.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Praying for God to put his healing hand on Lucy. Trusting in HIM.


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