Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Can It Be?

We are HOME.  HOME!  It's hard to believe that, after about two weeks of intense medical treatment, Lucy is now resting in her own bed (and she's loving it, by the way).  I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the events that have taken place but the main thing is, Lucy's infection is so much better and we are all now enjoying the comforts of home. I can say that we certainly do not take those comforts for granted.  

Lucy's having a very hard time, even though we are home.  She is of course, very stable but she is still on sensory overload.  Every movement bothers her, and the loud noises send her over the top, causing her to get hysterical.  We are trying to tip-toe around the house, but life has noises and we can't be silent all the time.  Hopefully, as time goes on, her little nerves will settle and she will better acclimate to our home environment.

We'd love prayer for Lucy's pain.  We think part of Lucy's agitation is from her pain that we can't control.  She was on heavy pain meds in the hospital, which she received through her IV port.  Getting pain meds through her belly isn't the same as getting them through the IV because they don't work as quickly.  Lucy has screamed on and off the entire time she's been home, and it's breaking our hearts.

Also, Lucy is still having diarrhea and has vomited since being home.  Her little body is so tired and she can't stay awake for long periods of time.  I can tell she's happy to be home, but she can't stay awake long enough to really enjoy it!  She isn't lethargic and obviously isn't at the point where we feel she needs to go back to the hospital.  We just want the Lord to keep her from getting to that point.  We want to stay at home.

Whew.  We are tired.  We are weary.  We are grateful for YOU and for your love for us.  Thank you so much and thank you too for your patience with us as we try to re-enter life together.

With Hope,

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