Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mirror Image

You guys, I have been incredibly humbled by the fact that so many of you read and shared my last post, "Fixer Upper".  Whether it draws the attention of HGTVand Joanna and Chip Gaines of "Fixer Upper" . . well, who really knows, but that wasn't the point of that post anyways.  I'm still grateful for their example and ministry, and I hope you are inspired to find YOUR mission as an individual, couple and/or family.  There is great joy in knowing your life is living out the things that God has called you to!  

The end of the summer is here and school starts for us next week!  There has been so much growth within our family over the summer.  No, we haven't added any new members ('Scout' the Cocker Spaniel is still on family probation, actually), but I have seen my children stretch spiritually, mentally and physically.  I've seen the same in my Dear Husband.  As for me, I'm not sure about other areas, but I have put on some weight, which was not planned (that happens when you stay home with your kids all summer, right??).  Overall, I am sweetly satisfied in how this summer has gone and I am grateful for what we've been able to experience and take part in! Not only has the Father faithfully provided our needs, but also some of "wants" by allowing us to take some trips and enjoy adventures as a family.  He is SO good, even when we are not.

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
James 1:17

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:11

Little Lucy Belle has particularly changed this summer, growing a few inches and gaining a few pounds.  We've seen even MORE exciting changes though, things we never even thought possible!  Lucy is now holding a cup and drinking water herself;even though she struggles to get it into her mouth each time and struggles to keep it in her hands.  She shows the DESIRE to drink water.  She CHOOSES to bring the cup to her mouth.  This is HUGE!  Lucy also now lifts her arms as we walk by to show us when she wants to be held.  She is CHOOSING to be held - she is COMMUNICATING with us, letting us know what she WANTS!  Can you even imagine?! And oh, that princess attitude that she has developed, and it isn't always the humble, gentle princess of the Disney movies.  She's a literal biter and pouts, screaming when she doesn't get what she wants, which is hard bc we often have to guess what she wants and needs.  It is SO FUN to watch her change, grow and mature.  I am blown-away by it really, and this strong evidence of how cognitively aware Lucy truly is!  *Um, Jo-Jo, if you DO come to our house, can we make some mirrored furniture happen?

Another way Lucy has developed is with her vision and curiosity.  Recently, at a dear friends' house, Lucy fell in love with her own image.  She saw herself in a mirrored piece of furniture, and we all watched in awe as she sat and looked at herself for so long - tilting her head back and forth, moving toward the image and then away from it, even sideways.  She was enamored with her what she was seeing, and the fact that she has the ability to do that is astounding to me as her momma.  My heart leaps with joy!  What else will she be able to do?  Oh, Lord, bring do more in Lu Lu's mind and body!

Lucy's reflection with her image got me thinking . . . how often do you take a long look at yourself, at your life, at your ministry as an individual?  Let me gently remind you that it isn't conceded to step back and take a long look, an in-depth glance, at your life.  It's a deep thing, something that requires you to be open and honest, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what needs to be seen and possibly, what needs to be changed.

I will admit it - I do NOT like looking at my reflection, folks.  It's hard for me to slow down, just like many of you.  Finding a quiet time and place to reflect?  Well, that sounds impossible.  But, God will allow it to happen, even in the strangest of places.  He will reveal himself because He cares and He wants your to grow and change. Thank the Lord for that (literally), for who wants to stay the same old non-growing, boring self?!  I don't always like what I see, in fact I don't enjoy the failures and flaws that scream out at me when I press in on my own image.  The thing God wants from us in all of this image stuff?  Well, it's SURRENDER.  Total surrender; because when we surrender it all to Jesus, He takes over.  For those who believe on His name, He has paid for our failures and mistakes and when He looks at us, He no longer sees those ugly things (can I get an 'amen'?!).  But when we continue to surrender to Him - that's when we start seeing the changes in our hearts, our minds, and sometimes even our beliefs.  Jesus changes it all . . . for the better.  He changes us to be more like Him, and as a follower of Christ, that is our goal!  Lord, give us your wisdom!

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3:17

The precious children in your life are looking at your image too.  They watch you - how you react to joy and pain; how you respond to difficult circumstances, surprise events and even loses.  They intently see our image, and that is why we must faithfully teach them WHO God is, living it out every day.

Do as Lucy, and look at your own image, taking all the time that you need.  
Holy Spirit, guide us as we seek you in this way.  Speak to us loudly and clearly so we know what you want us to change.  Encourage us by showing us what it is about us that you most celebrate - a part of our image that you take joy in. Reveal to us what we need to work on - the dark places that need to be surrendered again to your authority.  Father, may we then go and teach our children who you are and may they see you in how we live our lives each day.  Thank you for loving us so recklessly!

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