Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Day The World Stood Still

We've had many days like this - days where the world seemed to stand still.  We've all been there, right?  There are times when we are hit with good news or bad news, or just unexpected news of any kind, and all of a sudden the world stops you in your tracks because everything you WERE counting on; everything you WERE planning, just ISN'T anymore.  A kink in the road, a change in the plan, a new diagnoses, a positive pregnancy test, a death in the family, a natural disaster . . . we are all hit with it at sometime or another.

Last Friday was a day like that for our family, although it didn't start out that way.  It started out as a normal day.  Doesn't it always?  But by the end of the day, Mike and I were both worried and confused where Henry is concerned - more than we have been in a long time.  The MRI from back in October - the one we had been told was "normal" was indeed, NOT normal, and that was the news we were met with on Friday.  I don't want to go into details because things are still up in the air, but that's what we DO know - that Henry's MRI isn't normal.  They don't think it's a brain tumor.  They have an idea of what it is, but will confirm with another MRI soon.  That news, along with additional news during our neurology visit, left me speechless . . . crying hot and heavy tears.  I had no words and struggled to check out and set up our next appointment.  The world was spinning for me, you guys.  What just happened?  Mike and I were on the same page with that thought, seriously - "what just happened?". We rallied that night and went to our sweet Friend's wedding, which was joyous, gorgeous and was JUST the spiritual uplifting we needed and I'm grateful for the way he allowed the night to end.

My heart and head are still trying to process things.  My body is taking a while to catch up and I have found myself exhausted mentally and physically today.  Michael is the Superhero, making it to work and even excelling there.  I truly don't know how he does it!

Mike's foot is infected again, at the site of the injury.  This isn't good at all, seeing that it's in the same spot as his osteomyolitis.  We also got the MRI results back and found out that he has all sorts of damage, including a bone spur, two torn ligaments, a partial tear of one tendon, bone bruises, and a ligament that has been split.  WHOA.  No wonder he has been hurting so badly!  Doesn't it sound just terrible?!  He's on a new antibiotic to clear up the infection and then will meet with the surgeon who is Dr. Langerman - the same doctor who operation on Conner's broken arm and the same doctor who first operated on my Dear Friend, Jenni Khufal.  Mike is in excellent hands.

We thought Lucy's ears were better, as we received an "all clear" last Thursday.  However, one of her ear drums has burst and she is once again pulling at them.  I'm wondering if they are still somehow infected and that she may need more than "just" the rocephin shots, meaning IV antibiotics.  I don't understand why her infections are so strong!  Bless her heart.  I can only imagine how miserable she must be, especially not being able to tell us what's going on.

I do have ONE FAVOR for you today - especially for those friends who have children with Special Needs of ANY kind.  My Dear Friend, Matt Chambers, is working on some exciting BIG things that could possibly be of great benefit to families like ours.  He's gathering research now for some lobbyists, so your participation in this survey is VERY much appreciated!  It won't take long, I promise.  Thank you in advance for doing it! 

We love and appreciate you, especially during these times when we are so weary.  


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