Friday, October 10, 2014

Wrapped in Ellie Kate

It's a dreary day here in Oklahoma City, but it's an exciting one.  Conner's birthday party is tonight and Lucy's princess party is tomorrow morning.  I've been a busy bee, running around getting things together, but today has been a day of rest and of cuddling. 

Yesterday, I picked up what is now one of my most prized possessions - a quilt made of Ellie Kate's clothes.  Last winter, Cheryl Svetgoff, a precious friend, asked if she could make a quilt for us of Ellie's things.  I eagerly packed up those precious clothes and tearfully dropped them off with Cheryl. Everything in me wanted to tell her to "take care of these clothes".  I couldn't tell anyone to take care of Ellie Kate any longer, and the clothes were an extension of her.  Cheryl is so trustworthy and I knew everything would be taken care of in the most pristine way possible. 

Isn't is beautiful?  It's one of THE most precious things that I own!  And I've been snuggling up in it on this dreary day.  Lucy loves it, Henry loves it, Conner has wrapped up in it and so has Mike.  It's like being wrapped up in Ellie Kate.  I look at each pattern and I'm taken back to a place and time - a memory of my sweet girl.  It's so hard to explain, but this quilt, this tangible memory-whisper; is a reminder of treasured moments with Ellie Kate. 

Lucy, Wrapped Up in the Quilt
I'm so grateful for this gift.  I'm grateful for the talents that made it possible and for the graciousness of the hands that made it.  I'm content today, wrapped in Ellie Kate.  

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