Monday, September 9, 2024

OASIS (not the band, just for clarification)


OASIS (not the band, just for clarification) . . .


It’s no secret, this past summer has been full of wild mishaps and unplanned “adventures”, from our house flooding to Mike’s car being totaled.  I can’t tell you we’ve made it out better on the other side, but we’ve survived and I guess that’s something.  That being said, sharing the following story with all of you is something I’ve longed to do – it’s just very  emotional for some reason.  I think you will understand, as it all has to do with my generous friend, Jessica Jenkins, her friend Jenni, along with the rest of their crew. 


When the contractor was ready to start on home repairs from the flood (new floors, walls, work on cabinets, etc), I knew we needed to find a place to stay.  There was no way we could live in our home while the “remodel” was taking place and thankfully, our insurance was happy to help us find something (they suggested a hotel).  Where could we find a place for five family members, two dogs, home health nurses, as well as all of Lucy’s medical equipment (including a medical bed)? Immediately, I thought of my friend Jessica Jenkins, as I knew she was traveling over the summer.  Would she possibly be open to allowing us to rent her home during our remodel?  Would she even be gone during those times?  I wasn’t sure, but I reached out.  As soon as Jessica heard my request, she was on board.  I found out that Jessica and her husband had actually moved out of the house and were traveling until the end of the summer, when they would come back and get the rest of their things.  I couldn’t believe it!  We had a home to move into for the exact time we needed it.


Ya’ll, this isn’t just any house.  This is a home built specifically for Jessica’s boys, Caleb and Jackson who were both in wheelchairs and had extra-special needs like Ellie Kate and Lucy.  Every single doorway was wide enough for Lucy’s wheelchair – she even had her own, special bathroom!  EVERYTHING was accessible, which was SUCH a gift.  The medical bed left in the room is the exact match to the one Lucy currently has (also one Jessica gave to us), which meant Lucy didn’t have to adjust to a new bed!  There was storage galore for medical equipment and supplies, as the house was literally built for that very thing.  There was even a gorgeous, covered porch, which we all loved and a POOL that was handicap-accessible.  It was truly an OASIS for us at the end of the summer, one we desperately needed. 


The most precious thing about all it all is this: Caleb and Jackson passed away only a couple of years ago, just within months of each other.  Can you even imagine?  Holding one of your children as they die is excruciating.  Doing it twice . . . it’s something I haven’t yet had to do and something I absolutely dread.  The absolute strength, resilience, and courage this momma has shown by letting us use her sacred space is unbelievable.  I am beyond moved.  It leaves me breathless just to think about.  The generosity, the chosen kindness, the selflessness involved . . . I am in awe. 

Caleb and Jackson loved all things Disney and Marvel.  They loved school and all their many friends.  Caleb and Ellie Kate were in class together for a time, and the same for Jackson and Lucy.  The boys loved their dogs as well as soccer.  I have yet to see a photo of them without huge smiles and I think that’s a testament to their family and shows just how well they were loved here on earth. 


Jessica’s best friend Jenni has been incredible.  She’s helped organize our house, helped us keep things in order in Jessica’s absence and took care of all sorts of details (she’s still helping us).  It has brought relief beyond what I imagined and wasn’t something I ever expected.  I am just so grateful.  Jenni too must have courage and selflessness to up and help our family in these big ways, out of the blue, and to such an extent. 


There are so many other things I could share now that we are back home, but I wanted you to know this story.  I pray it sticks with you.  I pray and hope you remember Caleb and Jackson and their momma Jessica, who sacrificed so much on our behalf. 

We are also grateful to Amy Mikes Orange, a friend from Christian Heritage, and her team at Level Handyman Services.  Those friends who’ve graciously helped us move out and move in have been invaluable – the Goss’s, the Nelson’s, Shay Viles, our neighbors and friends with fans and dehumidifiers, as well as our Frontline Community and Discipleship Groups!!!  I’m sure I’m missing people and I’m so sorry about that! 


Thank you for choosing to remember Caleb, Jackson, and Jessica specifically.  Their lives mattered on earth, and they continue to make a difference.  What a difference they’ve made in and for us!




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